Getting my work together

So I have been thinking about what to with my stilts I made. They were originally a test but I think they will be good like a war of the world's alien ship or even a performance to do with animals I think I have to look at other animals for reference, they way they move and look too. I think the preying mantis would be good to look at but that is about as far I have got with this yet I don't know if it's going to be a performance of animal movement and shapes that resemble them or a mavin gey chadwin style prices placed around while th email audience walk around with a set time of the performance. I do like looking at oldish films like star wars,starship troopers or war of the worlds style films then adapting them to be rough looking and funny but really well built. I have no idea where I am at the minute it's making me confused I need a aim product but nothing I think of feels right...  I'm just going to continue sketching animal behaviour and films see if anything comes to me, I need it soon though.

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